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Au dreptul suporterii sa isi huiduie echipa?
09-27-2009, 06:38 PM
Mesaj: #5
RE: Au dreptul suporterii sa isi huiduie echipa?
Un articol scris in Telegraph, in decembrie anul trecut dupa ce suporterii lui Liverpool si-au huiduit echipa dupa infrangerea, pe teren propriu, in fata lui Wst Ham United

"So, should supporters boo their own players?


Professional footballers earn a lot of money. And that money, ultimately, comes from fans: the people who buy tickets, subscribe to the sports channels, buy the merchandise.

So if a player or a team are failing to match the expectations of the people that keep them in Baby Bentleys then they can expect to hear about it.

Perhaps fans are more demanding now but then football has never been so expensive to watch and players have never been paid so much to play it.

If players and managers can’t handle criticism they might consider a change of occupation. Most fans are excluded from the decisions a club makes, despite their considerable emotional and financial investment, so getting their message across from the stands is the often the only effective way of communicating what they want. Or don’t, as the case may be.


Supporters. The clue is in the word itself. A poisonous element is creeping into the stands, especially at the top end of the football hierarchy.

With a predatory culture of attacking public figures across Britain, footballers are increasingly treated as celebrities rather than sportsmen.

With the market making players increasingly interchangeable supporters might well feel that they have lost their solidarity with the players.

But footballers are human and they desperately want the support of their fans. And if they don’t get it they lose confidence and as any sportsman knows, the loss of confidence is everything.

So booing is only ever destructive. What happened to the despairing sense of humour that used to greet an inept performance?

Even straitened financial circumstances are no excuse for losing basic human empathy. It would take a cold heart to revel in the expression on Eboue’s face as he trudged off the pitch last Saturday." - Stiinta si doar atat
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RE: Au dreptul suporterii sa isi huiduie echipa? - gonen - 09-27-2009 06:38 PM
RE: Au dreptul suporterii sa isi huiduie echipa? - adiutza87 - 09-28-2009, 02:51 PM

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